Weight Loss

Advertising and Marketing

for Medical Clinics

Discover the Best Strategy for Weight Loss Advertising and Marketing for Medical Clinics.

REVEALED: How to Get an extra 100 Weight Loss injection Patients In 90 Days.

Weight Loss Marketing Introduction

Imagine for a moment…two lines of new patients standing outside your office door. 

One line is made up of patients you’re not going to be able to help for one reason or another.

It’s likely going to be filled with patients who say they’re interested but just aren’t a great fit for Semaglutide therapy (they have underlying medical issues, for example).

The other line is full of people who have tried and failed with all other “diets”, are perfect candidates for medication therapy, who understand it isn’t a magic pill and other lifestyle changes have to be included, and who are ready to invest in themselves.

You are going to be able to make a DRAMATIC impact in the lives of line 2.

Wouldn’t your days be more rewarding and fulfilling if you spent it with your ideal patients in the second line, full of people you can actually help?

That can be the power of using a tailored clinical marketing strategy that resonates deeply with your ideal patients.

How you connect with them in your advertising makes all the difference in which line of patients you attract.

Many of the clinics I know are under tremendous stress day in and day out, spending countless hours on tasks and consultations for people who end up not being a good fit for their services. 

My guess is, you can most likely relate to that.

If there’s a way to reduce even a little bit of that stress by bringing in patients who you can actually treat, wouldn’t that be worth exploring?

How you advertise – the words you use to connect thought and emotion in your message – DIRECTLY determines the kind of patients you attract.

Showing you understand their needs and what they’re thinking and feeling, can be the difference between attracting patients whose lives you can change, or attracting those who you’ll never be able to help or get anywhere with.

But there’s another part of advertising equally important and what most clinics forget… The words and message in the ad are only 45% of the equation when it comes to successful and profitable marketing.

Creating the best customer experience in your advertising, and using the right message with the proper strategy to follow up (texting/calling) with new patient inquiries, are essential to making your marketing campaigns work. 

Weight Loss Advertising That Does Not Work

Here’s an example of a typical Google marketing campaign:

A patient searches for “weight loss center” and they see your Ad. It may be emotional enough to catch their attention and actually click the link (most do not however), and it sends them to your website. End of marketing. 

This is where 99% of potential patients drop off and are never heard from again. Sending people to your website, and leaving it up to them to do all the work in searching for services, reading about your expertise, finding the contact info, and scheduling a consult….HARDLY EVER WORKS. The customer experience, or journey as I like to call it, is not a good one for them. 

When someone is sent to your site, they are then bombarded with TOO much information as well as too many options. They get stuck in “research mode” … and eventually they leave your site. 

The customer journey was too long and too complicated for them to make an immediate decision to book a consultation with your clinic.

Weight Loss Advertising That DOES Work

The customer journey we create is different. It is 100% focused on Semaglutide therapy in conjunction with your tailored weight management program, so it will not confuse your potential patient. When they click on our emotionally targeted ad, they come to a landing page. Not your website. This allows them to stay focused on the reason they clicked on your ad in the first place. Semaglutide therapy for their weight management concerns. 

The words on the landing page resonate deeply with them because we have done our research and testing, so we know what they need to hear. It is clear, concise and simple. They schedule their consult, but that isn’t where our marketing and their journey ends…

They are now going to receive a text and follow-up call immediately (and ongoing if needed). This personal experience and direct support from your clinic, allows them to not only schedule and ATTEND their initial consultation, but to actually invest in the treatments because the direct communication with your clinic has built up their trust in you.

I know, setting up and running a Google ad is easy. That in itself is not worth paying any marketing agency to do. 

The platform you run the ad on doesn’t determine the results. 

Your ability to connect and build trust with potential patients on their journey does.

I’ve learned what people need from a Doctor in order to develop this trust by writing, running, and testing well over 150 different ads for over 21 Medical Weight Loss clinics over the last 7 months. 

Throughout all my testing, I’ve been able to track how the smallest changes in the ad message, landing page set-up, or the text/follow-up communication, can impact the type of person who responds to it.

That’s where my clinical marketing background and experience plays a role….and it’s included with every project I take on.

In fact, I was featured on Entrepreneur.com for the success of my agency and the other businesses I’ve started over the past 15 years. (search “Nathan Mummert” on Google to find the article)

Look, if your schedule is already full with all the ideal patients you and your staff can handle, then you really don’t need my help. There’s not much I can do for you.

But if you’re not, let me show you how I can help your clinic to help more patients.

We’ve worked with some of the largest Medical Weight Loss providers in the country, as well as smaller start-up clinics. We’ve been in charge of their patient acquisition for MWL and Semaglutide therapy.

Our clinics (both large and small) get an average of 15-20 scheduled consults, 10-12 new actual Semaglutide patients per month solely from our campaigns (in addition to their normal volume).

My agency has NEVER seen results like this for any other type of service or treatment in the medical industry! And medical is all we do.

Like Blake Martin in Mobile, AL (Connexus Clinic). They’re doing $25k-$28k a month from our campaign. 

Or Kristina Taylor in Clearwater, FL (Pinellas Med Clinic). She closed 13 new Semaglutide patients in the first month of working with us.

We have many more case studies like this.

Here’s the thing: The business side of helping doctors has been very good for me and the agency over the last 5 years.

The providers we help and work with rarely leave us. 

We no longer need to take on new clients to maintain our agency.

But as I’ve said, I’m a huge advocate for MWL with Semaglutide therapy and the people it can help. I’ve seen first-hand how this medication, when used with a custom weight management program, can truly change the lives of these people, and I would love the opportunity to support your clinic in helping more of them.

If you’re not interested – all good.

But if you think it would be worth a 15 minute conversation to see if we’re a good fit, send me a quick text: 602-460-0462.

Our Strategy

Each month, we are spending over $300,000 on Google ads to help our clinics get new patients in the door – FAST.

We help you target patients who are searching Google for high converting keywords like:

These are customers looking for an immediate solution and willing to spend money to address their weight loss.


Experience has taught us that patients 45 years and older are most likely to 

invest in their weight loss, so we target them.

We also know how far patients are willing to drive to your clinic – about 30 miles.

While virtual consults can help us expand this radius somewhat, patients who live farther than 20-30 miles away are simply not going to make it a habit to drive to your clinic for help.

Google ads

After your patients search Google for your targeted keywords, they’re going to see an ad in the first or second position.

Landing Page

Once your patient clicks on your ad, they are taken to your landing page.

This page is built specifically for your medical weight loss clinic, using your logo and incorporating your messaging.

Patients can either call the phone number on the ad or fill out the contact form.

We track both methods, so we know how many new weight loss leads you are getting.

Our landing pages are clean, simple and effective at converting interested customers into active patients.

Since our campaigns are high-converting, your cost per lead drops and profitability goes up.

Qualified Leads

Your leads are qualified, too, as they are required to complete an extensive questionnaire prior to getting in the door.

This helps us ensure the leads you get are serious.

Follow Up

Once someone completes the lead form, they receive an automated text message from your clinic.

If they do not respond within 5 hours, they are sent a follow up message.

As soon as they respond, you are notified, so that you can call them and begin the conversation.


System and Tracking

We train you on a simple system that allows you to see the progress and communications of each of your new leads.

Then we put together a live tracking sheet, so you can see in real-time how well your advertising is performing.

Call and Text Scripts

We provide you with easy-to-follow text and call scripts that help you get new patients signed up.

The scripts are proven and help with staff training and consistency of your messaging.

Guaranteed Results

When you hire us to implement your weight loss advertising and marketing, we guarantee our results and do not lock you into long term contracts.

Each month, you will get new leads for your clinic with automated follow up to help you close them.

You get live tracking and simple scripts for staff to follow to help get your new patients into your clinic.

We are confident our programs work.

Case Studies

Watch our video to see a couple of our case studies and understand our process.

Here are four of our weight loss clinic case studies.

1. Thrive Performance and Regenerative Medicine, Sugarland, TX

In the first 90 days:

2. Weight Loss Clinic, Brooklyn, NY

In the first 30 days:

3. Connexus Clinic, Mobile, AL

4. Pinellas Med Clinic, Clearwater, FL

Why Hire Us?

We have helped over 25 weight loss clinics increase monthly revenue by $20,000-$40,000 per month within 90 days of running their marketing.

My strategy is effective because we have learned from a doctor how to create trust with patients.

We have run and tested over 150 different ads in the last 7 months and we have seen how small changes in messaging can impact the type of person who responds to the ad. 

My clinical marketing background and experience will help your clinic attract and retain 12-20 new patients each month. 

We create your ads and landing page and help you put text and phone call follow-up systems in place, so that you are CLOSING the patients who are interested in your clinic.

Medical clinics who follow our program see massive increases in sales each month.

Get Started

Done correctly, weight loss advertising works to help you get more patients.

If you are scratching your head and asking questions like:

You are in the right place.

We help weight loss clinics get more patients – FAST.

Our weight loss advertising campaigns are proven and effective.

Let us help you dramatically increase your business today.

Book your appointment below.